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      # SmartNIC

      Architecture and Performance of Integrated High-speed and Versatile Embedded Networking

      Architecture and Performance of Integrated High-speed and Versatile Embedded Networking

      Apr 17, 20243 months ago

      Presentation at the Embedded World 2024, Nuremberg, Germany, Apr. 11, 2024 These days high-performance embedded systems operate highly interconnected. Within these networks the systems often transport data at high bandwidth…

      Platform Choices for FPGA-Based In-Network Compute Acceleration

      Platform Choices for FPGA-Based In-Network Compute Acceleration

      Apr 28, 20222 years ago

      Presentation at SmartNICsSummit 2022, April 26-28, 2022 FPGA-based SmartNICs can provide significant benefits by offloading network data processing off of CPU cores, data-in-motion processing, effectively enabling In-Network Compute. However, FPGA…

      MLE NPAC-40G Now Runs CORUNDUM System Stack

      MLE NPAC-40G Now Runs CORUNDUM System Stack

      Apr 8, 20222 years ago

      MLE has ported and tested a full system stack based on CORUNDUM for NPAC-KETCH, CORUNDUM is a vendor-neutral open source high-performance FPGA-based SmartNIC development platform. NPAC-KETCH is a FHHL PCIe…

      MLE NPAC-40G – A Cost-Efficient PCIe SmartNIC Solution

      MLE NPAC-40G – A Cost-Efficient PCIe SmartNIC Solution

      Apr 8, 20222 years ago

      MLE has partnered with Fraunhofer HHI and Elemaster Germany to provide the industry-proven TCP/UDP/IP Network Protocol Accelerator Platform (NPAP) in form of NPAC-40G, a PCIe Network Protocol Accelerator Card. NPAC-40G…

      MLE Presents at SmartNICsSummit 2022

      MLE Presents at SmartNICsSummit 2022

      Mar 23, 20222 years ago

      At SmartNICsSummit 2022, MLE will present “Platform Choices for FPGA-Based In-Network Compute Acceleration” which is joint work with the Corundum project and Fraunhofer HHI. SmartNICs and Function Accelerator Cards address performance…

      CORUNDUM – From a NIC to a Platform for In-Network Compute

      CORUNDUM – From a NIC to a Platform for In-Network Compute

      Jan 30, 20222 years ago

      Presentation at FOSDEM’22, February 5-6, 2022 This joint presentation between Alex Forencich, UC San Diego, and Ulrich Langenbach, MLE, provides an introduction to the corundum project, implementing a 100 GbE…