# AMD Versal
MLE Releases NPAP TCP/UDP/IP Stack Version 2.4.3
MLE has released an update, Version 2.4.3., of its Network Protocol Acceleration Platform (NPAP). MLE’s Network Protocol Accelerator Platform (NPAP) runs the entire TCP/UDP/IPv4 protocol stack in a digital circuit, i.e.…
MLE Updates TCP/UDP/IP Network Protocol Accelerator Platform
MLE has released an update, Version 2.3.3., of its Network Protocol Acceleration Platform (NPAP). This update is fixing minor issues with AXI4 bus scheduler fairness, IP Core packaging for AMD/Xilinx…
Shift-Left Your FPGA Design Project with FPGA Full System Stacks from Trenz Electronic and MLE
Visit us at Embedded World 2024! The Embedded World 2024 tradeshow will be held April 9-11 in Nuremberg, Germany. Here, partners Trenz Electronic and MLE will present solutions for you…
MLE and Trenz Verify the AMD/Xilinx Versal™ AI Edge Device and Accelerate Networking and Storage with 10G/25G/50G/100G TCP/IP Core
MLE and Trenz Electronic, both Premier Members of the AMD Adaptive Computing Partner Program, have collaborated and worked on Trenz’s new TE0950 AMD/Xilinx Versal™ AI Edge Evalboard to provide an…