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      Security / Trusted Execution Environment and Functional Safety with Zync Ultrascale+ MPSoC / RFSoC

      Presentation at the Workshop Programmable Processing for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle 2019 in Neu-Ulm

      The security of Embedded Systems has become a key concern, especially when hacked or tampered systems create safety issues and can harm people. In order to make an embedded system secure, CPU vendors like ARM offer the TrustZone technology. On top of this ARM TrustZone technology sits Open Portable (OP)-Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), an open source implementation of the TEE.

      OP-TEE is a small secure operating system which, after authentication and description, gets loaded in an secured area in the memory. A Rich OS (e.g. Xilinx PetaLinux) driver can request, via a Secure Monitor Call, the execution of a trusted application. MLE took the effort to port OP-TEE to Xilinx Zync UltraScale+ MPSoC Platform, including device specific optimizations.