Technical Publications
MLE has been invited to numerous international seminars and webinars to share our experience in FPGA development using advanced PCI Express, TCP/UDP/IP stacks, and low-latency IP-core technologies for network and storage acceleration. Here we share the full technical articles and slides of the up-to-date presentations.
A synthesis strategy for nonlinear model predictive controller on FPGA
2014 UKACC International Conference on Control An implementation strategy of nonlinear model predictive controller for FPGA systems using high-level synthesis of a real-time MPC algorithm by means of the Xilinx…
Analog Solutions for Smart Products
Presentation at Embedded Conference 2014 How FPGAs support analog input without a dedicated Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). (download slides)
Low-Latency Networking for Systems-of-Systems
Presentation at Embedded World Conference 2014 How hardware acceleration helps reducing latency and increasing bandwith. (download slides)
How to evaluate your next IP-Core in the Cloud
Presentation at Embedded World Conference 2014 An overview of how the cloud technology can help you to evaluate your next IP-Core. (download slides)
Performanzanalysen von Smart Systems auf Systemebene
Konferenz ARM-Systementwicklung 2013 Tools and methods for measuring system-level performance under Linux (German). (download paper)
Hybride Apps – DPR und Android auf dem Xilinx ZYNQ
Konferenz ARM-Systementwicklung 2013 How to combine Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration with the Android runtime environment for on-the-fly system updates of Xilinx ZYNQ-7000 All Programmable SoCs (German). (download slides)
Zynq-SoCs mit busfunktionalen Modellen debuggen
Konferenz ARM-Systementwicklung 2013 AXI4 Bus Functional Models (BFM) inside the Cadence Virtual System Platform can ease hardware/software co-debugging of Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoCs (German). (download slides)
Funktionale Sicherheit – Testing unter den Bedingungen der Safety Integrity Levels
Präsentation auf dem Neu-Ulmer Test-Engineering DaySebastian Stiemke, MissingLinkElectronics, Neu-Ulm (German) (download slides)
Embedded Systems Realization with Hybrid Apps
DAC 2013 Embedded Systems Realization with Hybrid Apps – Open Source ANDROID Meets Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (download slides) How to counter lifecycle and security challenges for Xilinx All-Programmable Zynq systems.…
Integration of ADC / DAC in FPGA-based Microcontrollers
Integration of ADC / DAC in FPGA-based Microcontrollers D&E Entwicklerforum Ludwigsburg 2011 (download PDF) Implementation of parametrizable Sigma-Delta Modulators inside Altera Cyclone IV devices can extend FPGA-based embedded microcontrollers with…