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      Here you can find helpful information, links and material on:

      Online Demo      |      Technical Publications      |      Application Notes      |      Discontinued Product Support

      Technical Publications

      MLE has been invited to numerous international seminars and webinars to share our experience in FPGA development using advanced PCI Express, TCP/UDP/IP Network Protocol Accelerator Platforms (NPAP), and low-latency IP-core technologies. Full technical articles and slides of the presentations are available here.

      Linux Cross Reference

      LXR (formerly “the Linux Cross Referencer”) is a software toolset for indexing and presenting source code repositories. LXR was initially targeted at the Linux source code, but has proved usable for a wide range of software projects. MLE provides this service to everybody interested on MLE’s LXR.

      Developer Zone

      MLE is professional in building the prototyping system for short Time-to-Market projects, analyzing and improving latency in a network protocol processing system, and accelerating algorithms and communication protocols based on FPGA. MLE’s research for applications in Deterministic Networking, Streaming Data Storage, and I/O Connectivity is shared in MLE Developer Zone.

      User Guide

      Xilinx Wiki page Almost all user documentation for MLE’s products and solutions are available online.

      Products co-developed with Xilinx, such as the Zynq SATA Storage Extension, can be found on the Xilinx Wiki page.

      Documentation for the MLE internally developed products can be found in MLE’s Developer Zone.