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    ASICAMD (Xilinx)AchronixIntel (Altera)LatticeMicrochip (MicroSemi)Other

    Contact MLE for IP-Cores
    Please fill in the form below, so we can send you the relevant information regarding the IP-Cores of interest.

      Low-Latency 10G/25G Ethernet MACNPAP TCP/UDP/IP StackNVMe Streamer Gen3NVMe Streamer Gen4Key-Value StoreLinux PCIe FrameworkPCIe Long-Range TunnelPCIe NTBIBM OpenCAPISoft ADCSoft DACXilinx USB 2.0 EHCIXilinx XAUIXilinx RXAUIZynq Storage Exension

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      XAUI/RXAUI IP Cores


      AMD/Xilinx Legacy IP Cores for XAUI/RXAUI

      The Xilinx XAUI/DXAUI IP Core and the Xilinx RXAUI IP Core used to be part of the Xilinx Vivado tool chain until 2019.1 and was available Xilinx End User License Agreement. As of May 2020, Xilinx handed over support and distribution of the XAUI/RXAUI IP Cores to MLE. MLE has been supporting customer projects with these IP Cores and will continue to provide to Xilinx users long term support.

      We are able to include the Questa/Mentor public key into our encrypted IP-Cores, which allows us to integrate the IPs via Vivado or simulate the IPs in Questa (requires IEEE1735 V2 encryption). Depending on customer needs, we generate encrypted netlists or encrypted source code.

      XAUI IP Cores

      The Xilinx XAUI (eXtended Attachment Unit Interface) IP Core is a high-performance, low-pin count 10-Gb/s interface intended to allow physical separation between the data link layer and physical layer devices in a 10-Gigabit Ethernet system.

      The XAUI core implements a single-speed full-duplex 10-Gb/s Ethernet eXtended Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI) solution for the UltraScaleTM architecture  (GTHE3 transceivers), Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC, and 7-series devices.


      RXAUI IP Cores

      The Xilinx LogiCORE IP RXAUI core is a high-performance, low pin count 10 Gb/s interface intended to allow physical separation between the data-link layer and physical layer devices in a 10 Gb/s Ethernet system.

      The RXAUI core implements a single-speed full-duplex 10 Gb/s Ethernet Reduced Pin eXtended Attachment Unit Interface (RXAUI) solution for Xilinx® 7 series FPGAs and UltraScale architecture (GTHE3 transceivers) that comply with Dune Networks specifications. The 7 series FPGA and UltraScale architecture in combination with the RXAUI core, enable the design of RXAUI-based interconnects whether they are chip-to-chip, over backplanes, or connected to 10 Gb/s optical modules.

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      The XAUI/RXAUI IP Cores are available as Intellectual Property (IP) Cores and design integration services:

      Product Name Deliverables Pricing

      XAUI IP Core

      Single-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist.


      RXAUI IP Core

      Single-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist.


      XAUI IP Core Multi-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist. $21,800.-
      RXAUI IP Core Multi-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist. $21,800.-
      XAUI and RXAUI IP Core Bundle Single-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist. $21,800.-
      XAUI and RXAUI IP Core Bundle Multi-Project-Use; delivered as encrypted netlist. $28,800.-

      Application-specific R&D Services

      Network protocol expert design services.

      $1,880.- per engineering day (or fixed price project fee) 

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