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      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Programming and Design Services

      Today, FPGA programming and design is far more than implementing glue logic. With the complexity of today’s FPGA devices it becomes cost-efficient to implement programmable system-on-chip solutions with multiple processor cores, heterogeneous accelerators and peripheral blocks interfacing with multi-gigabit transceivers, for example. Therefore, a successful FPGA project with, for example, AMD/Xilinx FPGA, demands a holistic approach and dependable relationships with 3rd party IP core vendors and close collaboration with the FPGA vendors.

      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Design

      As a Premier AMD Adaptive Computing Partner many of our FPGA design engineers have certified their expertise in

      • Xilinx PetaLinux on Micro-Blaze, Zynq, Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC
      • Xilinx Zynq-7000 All-Programmable SoC
      • Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
      • Xilinx GTP/GTX/GTH/GTY transceiver parameterization and instantiation
      • Xilinx ISE design flow with XPS and ChipScope Design Analysis
      • Xilinx Vivado design flow following Xilinx UltraFast Design Methodology
      • Xilinx Vivado High-Level-Synthesis using C/C++/SystemC design entry
      • Xilinx Vitis design
      • Xilinx SDx toolchain for SDAccel, SDNet, SDSOC

      AMD/Xilinx trusts our team with maintenance and service of the XPS USB 2.0 EHCI host controller soft IP core, the Xilinx XAUI and RXAUI IP Cores, and with PetaLinux (2014.2 up to current) development support.

      MLE’s equipment in AMD/Xilinx FPGA programming and design includes licenses for Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx Vitis and Vivado HLS (2013.3 up to current), legacy tool chain Xilinx ISE (version 10.1 up to 14.7).

      MLE also uses a variety of current and legacy development kits from Xilinx direct such as, for example: ML403, ML507, ML605, SP605, KC105, VC707, VC709, ZC702, ZC706, ZCU102, ZCU106, or ZCU111 from the AMD/Xilinx ecosystem.

      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Artix UltraScale+
      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Kintex UltraScale+
      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Virtex UltraScale+
      AMD/Xilinx FPGA Kintex UltraScale
      AMD FPGA Virtex UltraScale
      AMD FPGA Spartan7
      AMD FPGA Kintex7
      AMD FPGA Artix7
      AMD FPGA Virtex7
      AMD FPGA Spartan6