Dornier Consulting has started first common activities with the Silicon Valley based emerging technology company Missing Link Electronics in the areas of automotive and avionic. In a survey on in-flight entertainment (IFE) systems new technology trends and implications like such of Mobile Internet Devices (MID) and related architectures were analyzed. One result: today’s open source economies enable generally reduced development and licensing costs along with increased functionalities and quality compared to proprietary alternatives. Future IFE will stand out by decentralized architecture applying so-called “components of the shelf” and open source technologies. Opportunities will add up regarding weight reduction up to 60% as well as reduction in energy consumption up to 70% compared to current systems.
MID provide the opportunity of the reduction in weight, energy and cost for in-flight entertainment systems. These MID integrate Open Source software like GNU/ Linux or Android with modern processing devices such as OMAP from Texas Instruments or the Zynq Extensible Processing Platform (EPP) from Xilinx. MID integration makes it possible to provide data, information and movies on-demand through the use of cloud computing and peer-to-peer networks.
Missing Link Electronics’ patent pending Industrial Android technology allows to interface a consumer Android system with safety-critical real-time automotive, aerospace or industrial systems. For more information of Missing Link Electronics’ solutions please follow this link.
“The technology start-up Missing Link Electronics has become a Dornier Consulting partner because of their in-depth insight into this fast moving field of electronics technology. Having a strong representation in the Silicon Valley, Missing Link Electronics is always close to the latest technology trends and developments like Android, multi-core processing and reconfigurable systems. Through the company location in Ulm/ Neu-Ulm this up-to-date information is available on site as well”
says Frank Döttling, Dipl. oec., MBA, Managing Director DornierConsulting Engineering & Services GmbH Sindelfingen, General Manager Automotive and Aerospace. Frank Döttling is an expert in innovation management and member of the advisory board of the German Aerospace Academy.
Having started 2010 the partnership between Dornier Consulting and Missing Link Electronics was established to intensify the further development of in-flight-entertainment systems as well as automotive testing.
Dornier Consulting is an innovative consulting and engineering partner for driving sustainable metropolitan and mobility solutions. Dornier Consulting’s portfolio covers telematics, systems integration, infrastructure, energy and water supply as well as traffic management. In doing so, the company serves its clients from business concepts to implementation. The in-depth technological expertise combined with broad business know-how leads to long-term sustainable results.