At SNIA Storage Developers Conference (SDC) 2022, on Sept. 14, MLE and partner Fraunhofer IPMS will present “Converging PCIe and TSN Ethernet for Composable Infrastructure in High-Performance In-Vehicle Embedded Systems”: While the needs for storage in automotive are somewhat relaxed, compared to datacenters, automotive has a need for “unconventional” storage connectivity like many sensors to few CPUs to single SSD. And, unlike datacenters, automotive comes with strong constraints for size, weight and power, and real-time guaranties. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is one of the best positioned options for in-vehicle networking. In combination with reliable transports such as TCP/IP this enables deterministic networking for distributed systems. MLE presents the needs of modern automotive networking and storage architectures, and approaches for converging (real-time) Ethernet and PCIe as a common fabric for reliable and cost-efficient implementations.